要点:引入web依赖,web自带jackson依赖,spring支持json数据的反转(使用jackson2),反转实现类(MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter ) @RestController是一个组合注解类
@SpringBootApplication is a convenience annotation that adds all of the following:
@Configuration: Tags the class as a source of bean definitions for the application context.
@EnableAutoConfiguration: Tells Spring Boot to start adding beans based on classpath settings, other beans, and various property settings. For example, if spring-webmvc is on the classpath, this annotation flags the application as a web application and activates key behaviors, such as setting up a DispatcherServlet.
@ComponentScan: Tells Spring to look for other components, configurations, and services in the com/example package, letting it find the controllers.
使用spring resttemplate取回对应的数据,创建对应的领域类,领域类的字段和rest接口返回的字段不一样的时候,使用@JsonProperty注解注释字段;当接口返回字段多的时候,使用@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)注释类,自动忽略多的字段。